The traditional systems of medicine together with homoeopathy and folklore medicine continue to play a significant role largely in the health care system of the population. Butea monosperma(palas) belonging to the family leguminosae grown wildly in many parts of India. The plant is highly uses by the rural and tribal people in curing various disorders. Flowers are used as drug in many ailments like eye disease, chronic fever, enlargement of spleen, leucorrhoea, epilepsy, leprosy, antifungal activity, anti-inflammatory activity, liver disorders antifertility activity and gout etc. The plant parts are used in the form of extract, juice, infusion, powder and gum. The present paper enumerates various pharmacognostic and pharmacological aspects of the plant. This review also summaries the therapeutic potential of this plant.This is a moderate sized deciduous tree which is widely distributed throughout India, Burma and Ceylon, popularly known as 'dhak' or 'palas', commonly known as ‘flame of forest’. In this review an attempt has been done to highlight the work on Butea monosperma having pharmacological potential.
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